AUSTIN, TX — Formaspace completed an initial order of 500 new ESD workbenches to be sent to the General Motors manufacturing facility in Kokomo, Indiana.
GUELPH, Canada — Danby, a Canadian appliance manufacturer, is retooling its production lines to make full-service ventilators and a second device that allows bag valve masks to operate mechanically in an emergency situation.
With so many ways to formulate plastic to get just the right combination of color, texture, strength and durability, it’s easy to forget how the parts will be assembled. However, if the parts will be assembled with screws, overlooking such parameters as thread style, driver speed and boss design could spell disaster on the assembly line.
SEYMOUR, IN –Cummins Inc. has announced it will change shift patterns and reduce hours for employees at three local manufacturing facilities due to the statewide stay-at-home order.
TYLER, TX — Trane manufacturing plant in Tyler has closed their location for deep cleaning of workstations and common areas after an employee tested positive for the coronavirus.
PALO ALTO, CA — HP Inc. and its global digital manufacturing community are mobilizing 3D printing teams, technology, experience and production capacity to help deliver critical parts in medical facilities treating patients with COVID-19.