As manufacturers expand the use of aluminum, titanium, magnesium and other high-strength, lightweight alloys, interest in alternative joining technologies is increasing.
Static electricity can do much more than levitate a person's hair with the help of a charged balloon. This scientific phenomenon, technically known as electroadhesion, can also enable a robotic gripper to easily handle material as fragile as an egg and as flimsy as soft fabric.
Based in Furtwangen, Germany, Ketterer manufactures electromechanical drive systems. The company's products are used to adjust the height of desks and workstations and are also deployed widely in entry systems, warehouses and the machinery industry.
Every manufacturer needs reliable suppliers to be successful. Sometimes, however, even the best supplier cannot provide parts economically for a specific project.
When people board an airplane, they bring with them the need for wireless data. This need, according to technology experts, is quite extensive: Trillions of megabytes of data annually for millions of continuous inflight calls, texts, chats, games and video conferences.
MCPc is an information technology and logistics services company that helps businesses select, deploy, manage and recycle computers and other electronic devices.
It took 40 years, but we now know that hot dogs and apple pie aren't the only things baseball and automakers (and their suppliers) have in common. Another thing is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, which gathers and disseminates critical management information across an entire organization.