QUEBEC CITY—Responding to labor shortage and supply chain challenges, Robotiq has developed a new preconfigured system that enables manufacturers to automate loading and unloading of CNC machine tools with cobots.
For more than 5,000 years, investment casting has produced a wide variety of metal products. The process is currently used to manufacture everything from surgical implants to jet engine turbine blades.
What does a manufacturer do if it needs to increase production, but its robot’s range limit has been reached and space limitations prevent the addition of a second robot?
Throughout its 107-year history, Cornell Dubilier Electronics Inc. (CDE) has placed great importance on manufacturing quality power capacitors, which are passive electrical components that temporarily store electrical energy in an electric field.
There are many ways to run a custom machine building business. Some systems integrators are dedicated to a particular industry, such as auto parts manufacturing. Others specialize in a particular kind of assembly machine, such as high-speed continuous motion systems.
CHICAGO—Advanced industrial robots could power a new wave of productivity growth in many industries and lead to changes of up to 5 percentage points in the cost competitiveness of major export economies relative to the United States, according to new research by The Boston Consulting Group.