Throughout its 107-year history, Cornell Dubilier Electronics Inc. (CDE) has placed great importance on manufacturing quality power capacitors, which are passive electrical components that temporarily store electrical energy in an electric field.
LIBERTY, SC—Cornell Dubilier, a manufacturer of power capacitors, has deployed two Baxter collaborative robots at its assembly plant here to streamline its labeling and inspection processes.
BOSTON—Rethink Robotics has released new positioning software for its Baxter collaborative robot that will enable the robot to manage and adapt to changing, real-world environments.
ANN ARBOR, MI—Rodney Brooks, Ph.D., the founder, chairman and chief technology officer of Rethink Robotics Inc., is one of three robotics pioneers who won 2014 Engelberger Robotics Awards from the Robotics Industries Association. The awards were presented today at the 45th International Symposium on Robotics in Munich, Germany.
Kids have loved robots and toys for generations. The Rodon Group has decided that now is the perfect time for a robot named Baxter to help pack toys in the company’s highly automated manufacturing facility.