MANKATO, MN—Rolls-Royce has announced a $13.9 million investment in its Power Systems business unit for a multi-phase expansion of its power generation manufacturing facility here.
INDIANAPOLIS—Rolls-Royce Corp. announced Monday that it is kicking off a year-long campaign in pursuit of a contract to build hundreds of engines for U.S. Air Force bombers worth an estimated $1 billion that would bring 150 high-tech jobs here.
GOODWOOD, UK—If you’ve ever seen a Rolls-Royce with a painted pinstripe down the side—that long, thin dead-straight line that goes from the just behind the headlights to just before the taillights— you’re seeing the artwork of Mark Court. That’s his job and his alone—and he does it by hand.
RICHMOND, VA—Rolls-Royce is considering building a new factory here to manufacture turbine blades. The 90,000 square-foot-foot plant would employ up 140 workers.