RENO, NV—EE Technologies has added a third shift at its electronics assembly plant here. The contract manufacturer is also installing a new assembly line.
PALO ALTO, CA—A man who bought an HP laptop found an unexpected file on the machine’s hard drive: a video showing life on the Chinese assembly line where the computer was made.
BOSTON—ZeeVee Inc., a developer of high-definition video products, has moved its overseas contract manufacturing operations to Massachusetts from China.
ROSEVILLE, CA—PRIDE Industries has ordered six modular assembly systems from Juki Automation Systems. The order included four KE-2070 high-speed flexible mounters and two KE-2080 mounters.
ROSEVILLE, CA—One surefire way to prompt a chuckle at PRIDE Industries is to suggest that the nonprofit oversees primarily rudimentary services performed by people with disabilities. In fact, PRIDE’s new $3 million electronics assembly plant is stuffed with sophisticated equipment to make high-tech products for HP, Blackboard Inc. and other OEMs.
WASHINGTON—A 14-month Congressional investigation uncovered 1,800 cases of counterfeit electronic components for American military equipment, including missiles, targeting systems and instrument panels. All totaled, the cases involved more than 1 million bogus parts.
CHENGDU, China—A 23-year-old Foxconn worker jumped to his death at the company’s assembly plant here on Wednesday—the latest in a series of suicides at the Apple supplier’s factory that has promted concern among workers’ rights groups worldwide.