In 1828, Joseph Kuhn, a blacksmith from the small town of Eckartswiller, France, began manufacturing livestock weighing equipment at his village forge.
Atypical car contains some 30,000 parts, including fasteners, from dozens of suppliers. All these components must arrive at an OEM’s assembly plant in the right sequence at the exact moment that they’re needed. It’s a massive undertaking.
The UH-72 Lakota is a twin-engine helicopter with a single, four-bladed main rotor. Built by Airbus Helicopters Inc., a division of Airbus Group Inc., the UH-72 performs logistics and support missions within the U.S. for homeland security, disaster response missions and medical evacuations.
Based in Plymouth, MI, Adient plc is the world’s largest manufacturer of automotive seating, accounting for one-third of the global market and providing components for 25 million vehicles.
Initiated in 2004, the Assembly Plant of the Year award showcases world-class production facilities in America and the people, products, and processes that make them successful.
A few years ago, I worked with a warehouse stocker named John who had injured his back and was looking to get back to full duty. His job was important to him because he had a family to support, which included taking care of an adult son with special needs.
Contrary to widespread public concern about robots taking away jobs, people still play a key role on assembly lines. In fact, people still perform 72 percent of manufacturing tasks.