Cleveland, OH — CEOs of companies facing global supply chain challenges can find local solutions with U.S. suppliers, declared five American manufacturing trade associations in an open letter to CEOs. The trade associations represent more than 3,500 companies in industries that employ more than 475,000 Americans.
ST. LOUIS—Beckwood Press Co., a manufacturer of hydraulic and servo-electric presses, and Kansas Oklahoma Machine Tools (KOMT), a machinery distributor throughout the Midwest, recently delivered the first ever press with automated die change to Spirit AeroSystems for use in the aerospace supplier’s Joule Form manufacturing process.
As the stand-alone, product-dedicated press becomes more obsolete, workcells and assembly lines with integrated presses are becoming more flexible and productive
Load cells and sensors used with presses measure several key variables, such as ram force, distance and time, and help ensure they stay within allowable tolerances.
Some assembly technologies evolve too fast or too slow, while others change at a pace that's just right. Hydraulic presses belong in the latter category, according to some suppliers, and that's a good thing.
Every vehicle needs a good driver to steer it in the right direction and away from dangers on the road. For 50 years, Pailton Engineering Ltd. has been manufacturing the steering systems that give drivers of all types of vehicles this assurance as they travel from place to place.
One of the top transmission assembly plants in the world is Ford Motor Co.'s Van Dyke facility in Sterling Heights, MI. It's part of a network of Ford factories that mass-produce axles, engines and other power train components used in the company's cars and trucks.
How well an assembled plastic part performs depends a great deal upon how its component pieces are joined. Those made of strong, hard plastic may be fastened together or bonded. Thermoplastic pieces allow for even more options, including screws and rivets, various types of adhesives or welding, staking and being snap-fit.