The University of Washington campus in Seattle is a short drive from companies such as Amazon and Microsoft that are famous for their disruptive technology. Engineers at the school hope their new telephone will also become a game changer in the competitive world of consumer electronics.
On very hot days, a person who arrives at work after a long commute longs for the coolness and comfort of an air-conditioned office. To ensure this scenario, however, the air conditioning system must be reliable.
Despite the stereotype often promoted by the general media and politicians, automation has not replaced every manual task in manufacturing plants. Many thousands of U.S. workers lift heavy objects around their workstations all day, every day.
Consumers have always wanted their stereo speakers to sound great. Increasingly, they want the speakers to look great as well. Paradigm Electronics Inc., based in Mississauga, Ontario, is dedicated to manufacturing speakers that meet both criteria.
A common theme of science fiction is the interconnectedness of things—be they planets, species or technological processes. Real-world space exploration often verifies this view, especially in the area of technology.
In August, workers at Nissan Motor Co.’s assembly plant in Canton, MS, voted nearly two to one against representation by the United Auto Workers (UAW).
For the first time in decades, more manufacturing jobs are returning to the United States than are going offshore. The reshoring trend is at record levels, and I need your help to drive more growth!
That modern life can, and often does, imitate popular art is well established, even to the point of being a cliché. Much less commonplace is life improving upon art.
In manufacturing, the latest innovations in equipment, processes and materials often get tested first by automotive OEMs or Tier 1 suppliers. A good example of this is the Polimotor, an all-plastic engine that inventor Matti Holtzberg has worked on for nearly 40 years.