Diagraph Corp. (Earth City, MO) manufactures high-performance labeling systems for high-speed, high-volume industrial applications, such as product identification, tracking, shipment addressing and bar-coding.
For years, management experts have praised Japanese companies for using daily calisthenics to reduce workplace injuries. However, workers at three manufacturing facilities belonging to Steelcase Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI) also have an effective ritual.
It can be difficult to hear inside an ambulance as it races to the hospi-tal. When critical and potentially life-saving information is communicated to the hospital dispatcher, it is imperative that noise doesn't block the message. When seconds count, a paramedic should not have to strain to hear what to do or not to do.
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. (Fort Worth, TX) has used an advanced resin transfer molding (RTM) process to fabricate a unitized component for an advanced fighter aircraft.
Only 6 months ago, ASSEMBLY's annual Capital Spending Survey suggested that spending on capital equipment for product assembly would increase approximately 2 percent in 2001.
Peter Paul Electronics Co. Inc. (New Britain, CT), a manufacturer of electromechanically actuated, direct-operating plunger-type solenoid valves, was looking for a way to improve product performance and reduce manufacturing costs for its Series 40 solenoid-operated valve.
Few presidential statements have stirred up as much furor as when George Bush announced recently that the United States will not support the Kyoto Protocol.
Here's the enigma du jour: Is this downturn in the business cycle just a bump in the economic road, or the harbinger of recession? Whatever you want to call it, many of our clients are less concerned with terminology than the fact that their revenues have gone south along with their profitability.