Robert H. Peterson Co. (City of Industry, CA) produces gas grills for sale in North America and abroad. Founded in 1937, the company has revolutionized the way it manufactures its products through the use of automation.
Risdon International Inc. (Watertown, CT) manufactures containers and bottles for the cosmetics in-dustry. Customers include Chanel, Avon, Mary Kay and Proctor & Gamble.
The Kverneland Group (Kverne-land, Norway) makes a wide range of farm equipment, including ploughs, cultivators, harrows, seeders, fertilizers and rotary tillers.
The U.S. Labor Department reported last week that new applications for jobless benefits rose to 384,000, up 25,000 from the previous week. Paradoxi-cally, perhaps, many companies continue reporting a severe shortage of skilled labor.
Mega Pumps LP (Eatontown, NJ), a subsidiary of MegaPlast GmbH (Villngen-Schwenningen, Ger-many), manufactures airless metered pump dispensers used in the medical device and cosmetics indus-tries.
Established in 1989, Michigan Automotive Compressor maintains a 786,000-square-foot produc-tion facility equipped with some 200 robots and 650 production machines.