Denver is called the Mile High City because of its location in the Rocky Mountains. But, a local college is poised to soar to even new heights because of aerospace manufacturing.
SARASOTA, FL—The Sarasota and Manatee Manufacturers Association is asking local manufacturers to host internships for school teachers in hopes of creating a better skilled workforce.
CLEVELAND—Tooling U-SME has introduced a new workforce development resource, called the Competency Framework, that outlines the knowledge and skill objectives for more than 60 manufacturing jobs.
NEW YORK—Almost 80 percent of the current manufacturing workforce is between the ages of 45 and 65, says a new report from One-third are between 55 and 64 years old and starting to look toward retirement. Yet more than three-quarters of the manufacturers in the study said that fewer than 25 percent of their employees are under age 30, and most don’t see that changing anytime soon.
WASHINGTON—To highlight the importance of manufacturing to the nation’s economy and draw attention to the many rewarding high-skill jobs available in manufacturing fields, a group of public and private organizations announced today the launch of Manufacturing Day for Oct. 5, 2012.