MCLEAN, VA—What products and components offer the biggest opportunities for reshoring? What advanced manufacturing technology is needed to enable the reshoring? To what degree did the pandemic disrupt supply chains, and how did it affect sourcing? To answer these questions and better understand the needs of the manufacturing technology community, AMT—The Association for Manufacturing Technology and the Reshoring Initiative are asking manufacturers to participate in an online survey to help in rebuilding the supply chain. The survey is open through March 31.
The survey takes about five minutes to complete. Results will be published in April on the AMT website and on, a one-stop repository for supply chain information, content and guidance resources. The results will also be posted on the Reshoring Initiative website. One of the key survey questions is whether or not OEMs and job shops would value an AMT service to connect OEMs with manufacturing technology solutions for reshoring opportunities.
“Participating in this survey will provide valuable insight on sourcing issues and which processes, products and components face the most pressure from imports and which offer the biggest opportunities to reshore,” says Peter R. Eelman, vice president and chief experience office at AMT, which owns and produces IMTS—The International Manufacturing Technology Show. “The input we receive will help AMT and IMTS develop resources to help companies make more detailed sourcing assessments and better-informed sourcing decisions.”
“About 20 percent of what is now imported could be produced here more profitably with currently in-use technology. By matching the best and newest technology to each opportunity, we can accelerate the reshoring trend,” adds Harry Moser, founder and president of the Reshoring Initiative.