The ASSEMBLY Show presented by ASSEMBLY magazine



Bruce Buscher

Bruce Buscher

Vice President, Smart Handling Group
Daifuku North America

Mr. Buscher has been leading the charge to automate manufacturing and assembly processes for more than 40 years. He first started as an engineer on the plant floor and has been the V.P. of Daifuku’s Smart Handling Group for the last sixteen years. Bruce and his team developed a full line of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and navigation technologies to solve assembly line challenges and drive out costs. They have deployed AGVs in assembly lines across all industries.

For over 100 years, Daifuku has been leading the way in automating assembly lines. They have manufactured AGVs for the longest time in North America. These innovative AGVs help to solve issues associated with Ergonomics, Safety, Workforce Turnover, and Cost Reductions.


ASSEMBLY Show Speakers
ASSEMBLY Show Agenda