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LMI Technologies Gocator 4000 smart 3D coaxial line confocal sensor

Image courtesy of LMI Technologies Inc.

Smart 3D Sensor Provides High-Speed, High-Res Images

September 19, 2024

The Gocator 4000 smart 3D coaxial line confocal sensor provides high-speed, high-resolution, and shadow-free inline inspection with outstanding angular range (maximum slope angle ±85 degrees). The sensor is ideal for inspection applications in various industries, including semiconductor, consumer electronics and EV battery.

The sensor provides 1,920 points per profile for high-resolution, shadow-free 3D measurement and inspection. The sensor is available with a resolution of up to 1.9 microns and a field of view up to 5 millimeters. Speeds of up to 16 kilohertz are possible at limited measurement range, and speeds of more than 4 kilohertz are possible at full measurement range.

The coaxial optical design allows the sensor to scan simple and complex surface topologies with zero shadowing effect for improved data quality and more accurate measurement results on steep-angled features (such as step height of PCB chips), deep grooves (such as wafer die fractures), and protruding components (such as wire bonds on integrated circuits). The optics also deliver outstanding angular range for inspecting on highly curved surfaces (such as the chamfer of cell phone display glass).

LMI Technologies Inc.