Assembly In Action: LED Lighting Brightens Floor, Finances at Metal Parts Plant
The facility’s 32 400-watt high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights often flickered and dimmed due to energy surges caused by the plant’s metal processing machinery. The HPS lights produced inconsistent lighting throughout the plant; illuminance varied from 118 to 270 lux at floor level. Also, the lights took 10 minutes to re-strike following power outages, negatively impacting productivity.
Maintenance was also a challenge, as the HPS lights were mounted at a height of 9 meters, ran 10 hours a day five days a week, and had to be replaced every 10,000 hours. Each replacement light cost 50 euro, while the mobile elevation platform required to install the light cost 100 euro per day.
Looking to create better and more even lighting—as well as save energy—company executives met with energy consultant Area Energetica, which is a partner of lighting distributor Inelec. Area Energetica recommended replacing the HPS lights with DuroSite LED High Bay lights made by Dialight Corp.
DuroSite LED High Bays are 150-watt lights that are L7 rated to last 80,000 hours and maintain 80 percent luminance after 60,000 hours. The lights produce minimal heat with no ultraviolet light or infrared radiation. They also require no maintenance, come with a 5-year continuous performance warranty and are mercury-free.
DuroSite lights are mounted at the same height as the HPS lights, but they provide consistent luminescence of 200 lux at floor level. Martinez says DuroSite lights also switch on and off instantly to improve lighting efficiency and reduce re-strike time following power outages.
The new lights have reduced Martisa’s lighting energy use by 69 percent, from 9.9 watts per square meter to 3.7 watts. The lights have also reduced the plant’s carbon emissions.
Each fixture weighs 17 pounds and features a housing made of copper-free, powder-coated aluminium. IP6-rated, the housing is designed to withstand dust and moisture. The fixture can be equipped with an acrylic, polycarbonate or tempered flat lens, or a polycarbonate dome lens.
For more information on LED lights, call 732-919-3119 or visit www.dialight.com.