CL Automation Takes on Cincinnati Name
MACHESNEY PARK, IL-Automotive assembly and test systems manufacturer CL Automation has been renamed Cincinnati Automation & Test, to reflect the fact that it is now part of the Cincinnati Technologies group of companies, a subsidiary of MAG Industrial Automation Systems (Sterling Heights, MI).
Cincinnati Automation & Test began operations nearly 40 years ago as Rockford Automation in Rockford, IL. In 1990, it was acquired by Lamb Technicon and operated as Lamb Assembly & Test.
Cincinnati Automation & Test is currently installing both assembly and automation equipment for two aircraft integrators operating as prime suppliers to Boeing Co. (Chicago) as part of the 787 Dreamliner aircraft program. The equipment includes material handling automation and tooling, as well as composite forming assembly machines.
"The scope of Cincinnati Automation & Test expertise is very broad, with extensive experience in the assembly and testing of products as diverse as water meters and respirators," says company president, Jeff Price. "Manufacturers in all sectors can achieve higher quality and lower part cost utilizing advanced assembly and test technology to drive out direct labor cost and virtually eliminate scrap and rework."
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