Multi-part transfer is a method implemented in machine vision systems to transfer data from the camera to the processing unit in multiple parts or chunks, rather than in one single continuous stream. This approach breaks down the data into smaller packets, which are then transmitted and processed concurrently, significantly reducing latency, and improving overall system efficiency.

content provided by pleoraBy dividing the data stream into smaller parts and processing them together, the system can handle larger volumes of data in a shorter amount of time, increasing overall productivity and throughput.

Multi-part transfer also enhances the robustness and reliability of machine vision systems by reducing the risk of data loss or corruption during transmission. By dividing the data stream into smaller packets and implementing error detection and correction mechanisms, the integrity and reliability of data transfer remains.

A common application for this method is in 3D inspection, where Pleora’s eBUS Edge zero-footprint software-based transmit solution brings GigE Vision compliant interoperability with off-the-shelf machine vision processing. eBUS Edge enables reception of GigE Vision and GenICam compliant 3D data, via multipart payloads, for hand-off to processing libraries and further analysis. 

By parallelizing data transfer and processing tasks, multi-part transfer enables higher throughput with reduced latency and improved scalability.