The rise of many players in manufacturing automation, along with factories’ growing adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and automation solutions, present a suitable environment for open-source software. This software is a value-adding solution for manufacturers, regardless of their operation technology and management requirements, due to the customization, resiliency, scalability, accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and quality it allows.
Software developers who use open-source code provide software with a core code that establishes specific features and allows users to access it and make changes as necessary. The process is much like being able to complete an author’s writing prompt or change the end of a story. Unlike a closed system that locks users in, open-source allows them to adapt and modify the code to meet a particular need or application.
This add-on coding system provides endless customization. It enables communities (i.e., users) to add or remove features beneficial in an integration phase, such as features for user testing or to find the best solution for a machine.
Customization is also valuable regarding data visualizations; users can develop dashboards and visuals that best describe their operations. Suppose a sensor provides real-time condition monitoring data over a particular machine. In that case, it’s possible to customize the code supporting the software that gathers and processes the data for specific parameters or to calculate specific values.
Additionally, open-source code is resilient to change because it can be modified quickly. The ability to quickly add or remove features and adapt to cyber environments or specific applications also makes it volatile. Like exposure to pathogens can help strengthen an immune response to said pathogens, so can an open-source code be made stronger by its exposure to different environments and applications to be ready to face cybersecurity threats. Implementing an open code isn’t any less risky (cybersecurity-wise) than closed codes due to the testing and enhancements made by so many coders or programmers. However, it is up to the implementer to use the same rules that apply to other closed source software. The implementer must be aware of the code’s source and avoid code from non-reputable sources who could have modified it with negative intentions. Overall, the code is resilient, adaptable, and agile to adapt given a new environment.
The add-on and customization aspects of open-source also allow the code to be highly scalable. This scalable implementation happens in two dimensions: adoption timeline and application-based. Both are important to guarantee user acceptance and that it meets the operation and application requirements. Regarding the adoption timeline, scalability allows modification of the software and code to meet users’ expectations. Open-sourced code enables the implementation of features for user testing and feedback. The ultimate solution will include multiple iterations to meet the users’ needs and fulfill operation expectations.
On the other hand, this code is scalable based on the application(s), such as working on different machines, multiples of the same machine with different purposes, or adding/dropping features for specific uses. Say, for example, there are three of the same machine (A, B, and C), but they are in different environments. Machine A is in an environment that is 28°F, B is at room temperature, and C is exposed to constant wash-down. In this case, the condition monitoring software defines the acceptable parameters for each scenario, avoiding false alarms from erroneous triggers. In this example, the base code is adapted to include specific features based on the application.
In general, cost-effective and high-quality open-source code is available online. There are additional resources such as free coding tutorials that don’t require any licenses as well. Moreover, when programmers update an open code, they must make the new version available again, ensuring that the code is accessible and up to date.
Cost-effectiveness and quality
Regarding cost-effectiveness, using community open-source code significantly reduces the cost of developing, integrating, and testing software built in-house. It also reduces the implementation time and makes for better production operations. Essentially, it is high-quality, reliable code created by trusted sources for multiple coders and users.
“The application drives the technology” mantra is at the heart of open-source software development—a model where source code is available for community members to use, modify, and share. IIoT enablers and providers in the manufacturing industry own a particular solution that is then available for manufacturers to adapt to their specific operational requirements. With the increasing adoption of data-collecting technologies, it is in manufacturers’ best interest to seek software providers who grant them the flexibility to adjust software solutions to meet their specific needs. Automation is a catalyst for data-driven operation and maintenance.